Dr. Krunal K.Solanki
Best Laparoscopic Doctor in Ahmedabad
Dr. Krunal Solanki is practicing at the Sunshine Surgical Hospital as a laparoscopic, endoscopic Gastrosurgeon, uro surgeon, and general surgeon. He completed his bachelor(M.B.B.S) study at b.j.medical college Ahmedabad in 2004 year. He has finished his master of surgery from NHL medical college in 2009.he has worked in v.s.hospital and l.g.hospital for 16 years as a professor of surgery and head of the surgery unit.
He has taken training for laparoscopic surgery at CEMAST training center Mumbai. he has completed training at j&j for all kinds of laparoscopic surgery and endoscopy surgery. He has taken training at IKDRC AHMEDABAD for urology and kidney transplant. He has been an examiner of various MBBS and master of surgery exams at Jodhpur, Mumbai, and Pune University.
He is doing diagnostic as well as therapeutic upper GI ENDOSCOPY AND COLONOSCOPY.